What is shamanism and the shaman’s role?

Shamanism is a philosophy and a lifestyle similar to Buddhism in many ways. It includes healing practices for clearing the imprints of trauma from the luminous energy field (LEF) that surrounds the physical body, and that organizes the body in the same way that a magnet organizes iron filings on a piece of glass.
Shamans mediate between the visible world of matter and the invisible world of energy and consciousness. The understanding of the shaman is that what we call reality is simply the projection of a map of the world we carry within us. To change the world, you need to change the map, but the map only changes through sacred ceremony.

Shamans are Earth Keepers—stewards of the garden of nature.

*From Natural Awakenings.com, interview with Alberto Villoldo

Shamans were and are individuals that can help you come back to your own essential nature. They can help you to see how the ancient models that you follow, and the beliefs that you have about the nature of reality, create your health, create disease. Shamanic healers help create extraordinary health for willing humans so that their lifespan equals their health span and good health can last a lifetime.

*From Gaia.com, interview with Alberto Villoldo



Shamanic healing is one of the oldest forms of healing. It has been used by aboriginal people from around the world. Some anthropologists say that the practice dates back as far as 50,000 years.

Shamans work with the body’s energy field also known as aura and the energy centers or chakras. They believe that physical and emotional trauma is stored in the energy field.

Sometimes the stuck energy can manifest in the form of chronic illness, trouble in your personal life,  feelings of depression or being stuck without being able to change your circumstances.

My role as a shamanic practitioner is to remove these imprints from your energy body thereby triggering a healing effect. This can result in a reduction of pain, more energy etc.


  • Improving your mental, spiritual, emotional and psychical health
  • Recovering your energy
  • Decreasing pain
  • Releasing limited beliefs and toxic energy
  • Healing your relationships with others
  • Finding your life calling
  • Sleeping better
  • Experiencing less anxiety
  • Being able to forgive
  • Finding solace in times of grief or stress
  • Feeling more grounded and connected
  • Creating desired life changes


Personalized shamanic healing sessions:


One of the basic Q’uero shamanic techniques to balance energy and to clear toxic imprints and initiate mind and body healing.

Soul Retrieval:

When you experience trauma such as death of a loved one, divorce etc. a part of your soul may flee and go into hiding. Soul retrievals are a form of deep medicine that restores wholeness.

Destiny Retrieval:

This is a journey beyond death brings back your highest possible destiny, to elicit progress and inspiration.

Shamanic Extractions:

To remove stuck intrusive energies that no longer serve the individual.

Space Clearings:

To clear away any negative energy when moving into a new house or office or to get the energy flowing after a traumatic event (death, divorce etc.)

Shamanic Divination:

Using shamanic techniques I will track into possible future outcomes using The Tarot, Angel Cards and the Plant or Stone oracle. Shamanic divination may provide guidance in times of change or when you are looking for next steps.

End of Life Doula:

Accompanying clients through their final journey, providing spiritual guidance and comfort and supporting for their family members.

Rites of Passage:  

Celebrating life’s beautiful transitions and changes such as coming of age, retirement and other major milestones.

Personalized Cacao Ceremonies:

If you are looking to mark an occasion or celebrate, to open your heart space, for negotiations, to improve couples communication and for women’s circles cacao is a magical plant, it works at the energy level to process emotions, it is very soothing to the heart and extremely delicious!

Energy Exchange 

Contact me for individual services on a sliding scale.

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